Ntfy notifications

Ntfy.sh is a website that offers a notification service. The fun part of this is that they also give you the possibility to self host your own ntfy server. So I’ve spun one up in Docker: Similar to my other docker containers: After the stack is running in portainer, you will have a ntfy server…Read more

Reverse proxy (Traefik) with docker

A lot of docker containers provide a webUI. Nowadays if you want to access a webUI you either have to click through some certificate exceptions or you need so setup SSL certificates. Often the last thing is too cumbersome so a lot of people will just muddle through clicking on the exceptions. There is a…Read more

Vyos with BGP and vrf

I’ve setup a vyos instance to communicate BGP to the upstream routers and using vrf’s to isolate the BGP from the management part. Config VRF This just creates 2 vrf’s. One for the BGP sessions and one for Management. This way from the Internet side only BGP is exposed and nothing else. All the management…Read more

Oh it is so obvious

Docker is really the new way for me to deploy applications. And this really is an easy way. You look for a docker-compose file, tweak the standard stuff like volumes, IP address and reverse proxy settings and presto! you’re done. Recently though some of my docker containers started failing… even ones that have been running…Read more

Private Cinema

Today we went to a private cinema. We had a room that can hold 5 people. Huge reclinable chairs. We watched Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning. The room has 2 chairs in the first row and 3 chairs in the back row. There are no other rows! During the movie you can order food and drinks…Read more

Prinses Beatrixlaan 400, The Hague

The building was the district switchboard for the dutch phone company (PTT) The cellar was build like a bombshelter, housing the phoneswitchboard for the dutch government. The room was completely covered with copper plating (to prevent damage due to an EMP pulse). The building now is closed and the bunker will be closed off indefinate….Read more